Science fiction writer Ben Bova wrote:
The most prescient — and chilling — of all the science fiction stories ever written, though, is “The Marching Morons,” by Cyril M. Kornbluth, first published in 1951. It should be required reading in every school on Earth.

The point that Kornbluth makes is simple, and scary: dumbbells have more children than geniuses. In “The Marching Morons” he carries that idea to its extreme, but logical, conclusion.

Kornbluth tells of a future world that is overrun with dummies: men and women who don’t know anything beyond their own shallow personal interests. They don’t know how their society works, or who is running it. All they care about is their personal — and immediate — gratification.

A comedy with similar reference....Watch the me

Monday, February 1, 2010

And The Grammy Winner Is...........

Who gives a shit.

The rumor at the World Economic Forum at Davos is that Lloyd Blankfein will get $100 million this year. A frickin $100 million bonus !!!!!!! Hey......... he deserves it.
For those who don't know who Blankfein is, he's the one that took over for our buddy, former Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Paulson at Goldman Sachs. Back when Hank was in charge of the largest investment bank in the world, from 1998 to 2005, Hank pulled $37 million out of GS in his final year.
Yup $37 mil in 05 and accepted a job as the Treasury Secretary with a salary of $187k.
What a joke.
And what response did our trusted, no spin, corporate owned media give us........"we are so fortunate to have someone of his caliber running the Treasury"..........WTF?
We let a guy run our treasury that his former employer was the largest investment bank in the world? And there are no red flags?
Let's just knock a few zero's off his pay check shall we.
Do you know anyone out there that would leave a $37,000 a year job, ($17 per hour) for a job that paid $187 per year (.08 an hour)............I think not.
But we believed Hank did.

When one want's to know who runs this country, start with Goldman Sachs.

I see two circles of power, the war circle, (our defense contractors), and the financial circle, (more power than the war guys), which control our gov and us. Corporate Fascism.

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