Science fiction writer Ben Bova wrote:
The most prescient — and chilling — of all the science fiction stories ever written, though, is “The Marching Morons,” by Cyril M. Kornbluth, first published in 1951. It should be required reading in every school on Earth.

The point that Kornbluth makes is simple, and scary: dumbbells have more children than geniuses. In “The Marching Morons” he carries that idea to its extreme, but logical, conclusion.

Kornbluth tells of a future world that is overrun with dummies: men and women who don’t know anything beyond their own shallow personal interests. They don’t know how their society works, or who is running it. All they care about is their personal — and immediate — gratification.

A comedy with similar reference....Watch the me

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ahh Shucks

Freddie Mac Announces That It Will Cease Purchases of Interest Only Mortgages 

McLean, VA – Freddie Mac (NYSE: FRE) announced today that on or about September 1, 2010, the company will cease purchasing and securitizing interest only mortgages, including Freddie Mac Initial InterestSM fixed-rate and adjustable-rate mortgages. Additional information will be provided to Freddie Mac Seller/Servicers in an upcoming Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide bulletin.
Interest only mortgages, including Freddie Mac Initial Interest mortgages, provide for interest-only payments for a specified period of time beginning with the first monthly payment after the note date, and principal and interest payments on a fully amortizing basis for the remainder of the mortgage term.

But But can I afford a $500k home on a car wash attendants salary?
Oh sure next they will want money down and folks will have to show they got a job to buy a house.
They're making it difficult to be a homeowner.
At least they are gonna ban foreclosures.....that's good.

Hey didn't the so called experts tell us it was the "Subprime" loans (and that bitch Bertha) that caused the housing problem? Like those that bought homes they couldn't afford..........well why are they still writing those kinda loans?
I get a chuckle every time I hear "It's a good time to buy"......."prices have bottomed".
Think back or lookup what real estate values were in the mid 70's to early 80's and that should give you an idea of what the bottom will look like.
Sooner or later the gov will no longer have the ability, due to budget constraints, to keep the housing market propped up. That, along with rising interests rates, will keep downward pressures on RE values over the next 2 or 3 decades.
Since our gov is the only one that is financing our homes.........and now they want to ban foreclosures........
Houston.....we got a problem.

Friday, February 26, 2010

A Tad Windy Last Nite

Had to hook up the generator.........can't handle being off line too long.
About 12 to 15 trees uprooted.
3-A closed.





Thursday, February 25, 2010


A little rant on the Greece crisis.
It's funny how our media, when talking about the problems PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain) are having, it seems the problems just pertain to them,...... they made mistakes.....they spent too much....look at their debt........look at the riots.....idiots.
What is scary is the US is in worse shape, but because the USD is the worlds currency reserve we have the luxury of printing as many $$$$ as needed. 
What do you think would happen if our gov could no longer print at will? What if OPEC, Asia the UK to mention a few, no longer had the desire or the need to purchase our debt? For decades many felt it would never happen.........after all....we are the United States of's preposterous to even think such an event could ever transpire. Since 07 China has warned that our spending was unsustainable and now is a net seller of our Treasuries, so is Japan and UK and others will soon follow. The US is now monetizing the debt it creates to pay for services it's citizens demands. and for all the loans WallStreet and the banksters have created.......profited.... and now dumped on our backs.

Same thing with PIIGS. Banksters drained the wealth from the country and it's citizens by burdening them with an enormous debt they knew could not be repaid and now hold them hostage.
Iceland anyone? Oh right......the media told us they collapsed due to a housing boom.......LOL.

Glenn Beck the other nite was scribbling on his blackboard about how Greece was gonna default......then France, Germany, UK then the US and then China. and it will all be Europe's fault that the US goes bankrupt.
Some one should call Glenn and let him know we defaulted years ago, but again......we own the printing presses so no one over here has noticed. How else can we run deficits twice the size of our revenue.......and back $27 trillion in loans Goldman Sachs and company so kindly packaged up for us.
AIG? Why did we buy an insurance company? Oy.....don't get me going on AIG.

Back to Greece.
Greece has a debt load approaching 120% of GDP.
US is currently at 94% but if you include (which Congress wants to do because we are responsible for it) Fannie and Freddie it will bring it to 150% of GDP.
Greece's deficit is 9.1% of GDP
US is 10.2%
I can go on but I won't.
Besides not having a printing press, Greece doesn't have a government that is the largest employer, has entitlement programs that are broke and knows it can't possibly keep, endless bailouts and stimulus programs, a government that finances our homes, cars, credit cards...etc... pays you when you are unemployed, take care of you when you are sick, hungry, old or homeless, bla bla bla bla.

California is our Greece. Insolvent and about to default.
Iceland was the canary in the coal mine and the US is one big fat Greece tragedy......we are Greece x 100.

When the time comes and we run out of ink.......and it will come, it happens to all empires,  and our gov says they can no longer take care of will see riots in the streets.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Used Plane Parts 4 Sale

Uhmm, do you have a left aileron for a 1972 C-130?

The worlds largest aircraft junkyard, Tucson, Arizona

Davis-Monthan Air Force Base  

Click here for map
Once map is open zoom in and move to the right, then click on "Bird's Eye"
You can even zoom in one more time for an amazing view

Bing Maps are unreal. It blows Google away. The home page is out of Australia but just type in what you are looking  Bow NH......Cedar Point.....Las Vegas ....WTC.......Texas......etc

Dude.....Pass Tha Bong

Marijuana use by seniors goes up as boomers age

MIAMI – In her 88 years, Florence Siegel has learned how to relax: A glass of red wine. A crisp copy of The New York Times, if she can wrest it from her husband. Some classical music, preferably Bach. And every night like clockwork, she lifts a pipe to her lips and smokes marijuana.

"The kids are grown, they're out of school, you've got time on your hands and frankly it's a time when you can really enjoy marijuana," Stroup said. "Food tastes better, music sounds better, sex is more enjoyable."

Friday, February 19, 2010

Flashback Friday

Come on. Like none of you gun toten, tobacca chewin, AC/DC bumper sticker dudes have never sang this song while driving down the road...........with windows up of course.

If you pause the video at certain spots you will notice, what appears to be 4 to 5 men in Izora's cleavage trapped from previous storms.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

He's Got The Whole World.........

OK how about........... "You make sure Mark gets this message by Tuesday, and Pierre......Pierre are you paying attention......Pierre you take this and...........
Or how about
Ehh .... you should see what the one on my lap is pecking at.
"Fuck the Do Not Feed The Pigeons sign".... "Screw you, you mother fuckers"!..."Don't tell me what I can do or can't do"
"Shit........bird shit everywhere...all over my sleeve....oy"
"They taste like chicken"
"I feel like a politician"

" gone"

I'm done.

Plane crashes Into Building

Austin, Texas
Building catches on fire......but doesn't collapse.

I'm surprised the intense heat didn't weaken the steel beams.
Like the Windsor Building that burned for 20+ hours and collapsed..........errrr

Well ok it was still standing but maybe it didn't get hot enough to weaken the steel............


Well how about WTC?

There we go. The only modern steel buildings in the world that ever collapsed due to fire.
The intense heat must have weakened the 47

36"x12"x2" thick columns that made up the core to a point where the the weight above caused the towers to collapse in a nice neat footprint so they could clean up before any investigation could begin.
Funny how we take planes that crash and piece it back together, sometimes taking up to 3 or 4 years, to determine what caused the failure,

but with WTC we don't investigate, instead we cart the stuff off to Asia before any conclusion about why or how they collapsed could be determined.
Can someone tell me how 2" thick steel melts or weakens from kerosene and office supplies?

What heat.
Certainly not enough to melt 2" thick steel. Think about it, click on the picture that shows the sections of box beams they pulled from WTC, and the next time you are around steel that thick throw some kerosene and an office chair on it and see what happens. Heck, go all out and throw in a couple calculators and an electric pencil sharpener too.
Do you think that beam will get soft? Weaken? Ya right.
The thicker the steel the more heat you need.

And as far as the aluminum skinned planes severing those columns (like the recent Purdue article suggests)........wouldn't they have failed right away? And when was the last time you saw a controlled demolition company take down a building by cutting some columns and splash some kerosene around on the upper floors........then wait for it to fall in a nice neat pile?
They don't do it that way for a reason. The lower columns/structure is built to support the weight in the first place......even if the steel columns are heated up and become weak.
The weight was already there. Nothing has changed.
It's like climbing a tree and cutting off the top.............does the tree fall?

Don't say pancake effect, like they wanted us to believe, where one floor fell onto the next because that's already been proven wrong by the simple fact that the core would have still been standing after the floors collapsed.

And then there is WTC 7

Ask questions and keep an open mind. Use common sense.
Just as information about The USS Liberty, Pearl Harbor, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan......etc, has shown us what really happened, a shitload of information won't be available or declassified till most of us are dead and gone, or don't even give two shits. But for now I believe we should at least realize that our government, not only has proven, but is most definitely capable of killing it's own or sending many to their deaths to benefit those in power.

Too Funny

Hat tip to Patrick

Wal-Mart suffers sales decline in key quarter

NEW YORK ( -- Wal-Mart Stores posted a quarterly profit Thursday that beat Wall Street's expectations, but the retailer's store sales dropped during the period that included the all-important year-end holiday sales.

I found the reason why..............

Can't get enough....

Crap, I just peed my pants.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

President Honors Terrorists

A group of terrorists plant bombs targeting American and British owned buildings and in 2005..........50 years later, the president of their country honors them with a certificate of appreciation.
Is it Iran? Yemen? Syria? Jordan?
Who would attack the US and have the balls to honor the ones who carried out the bombings without any retaliation from our friends at Fox snooze....... Rush, Coulter, Hannity or the other warmongers?
Who could pull off such an act.......the only nation that could get away with it and not a peep from our media.

Israel honors Jewish terrorists who attacked America
– Israeli President calls them “heroes”

“Although it is still a sensitive situation, we decided now to express our respect for these heroes,” President Moshe Katzav said after presenting the three surviving members of the bomber ring with certificates of appreciation at a Jerusalem ceremony.

In the Lavon Affair, named for the Israeli Defense Minister at the time, Pinhas Lavon, the Israeli government launched a false flag, terrorist operation against American sites in Egypt hoping to provoke American bombing, retaliation and war against that nation. The Israeli terrorists targeted American sites such as American Cinemas and American libraries around Cairo. Only the premature detonation of one of the Jewish terrorist’s bombs led to the exposure and halt of the plot before the extensive loss of life and property.

In March 2005, Israel publicly honored the surviving operatives, and President Moshe Katsav presented each with a certificate of appreciation for their efforts on behalf of the state, ending decades of official denial by Israel.

How does America deal with a country that commits terrorism against us and then honors the terrorists?

Answer: We give it billions of dollars every year as well as our most advanced military technology.


And 13 years later...... the USS Liberty attack

What is the largest and most powerful lobbying group in DC that also spies on us??


Japanese Eye Test

If you cannot decipher anything, then try pulling the corner of your eyes as if you were Japanese.

I wear glasses.

Tin Foil Hat Tuesday

I'm not sure if this qualifies for a tin foil hat........just need some common sense.

OK, so our MSM and gov tell us that some crazy Arab on Christmas day climbed aboard a plane and set his balls on fire hoping it would cause an explosion and take down the plane killing the 289 on board. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab decided to use the most secure means of transportation to pull off his "Death to America because we hate your Freedoms and sexy women" plot.
Why not kill the scantly clad women of many freedoms in other ways? Why planes?
Acela Express carry just as many passengers and if you take three tenths of a second to think about it, you may come to the conclusion that it would be a heck of a lot easier to trash a train going 150mph along a 456 mile track than going through all the security in place at airports.

Why planes? Because it's a controlled fear.
We can still travel by planes and still feel safe because our gov will be installing full body scanners.
How do you secure 456 miles of track the Acela travels from Boston to DC? Impossible.
How do you secure our drinking water, subways, factories, food........etc.
What type of security is in place at the water works department?
How do you secure it from someone dumping something in our water to make us ill?
We can't. Uncontrolled fear, and how could we blame the Arab's.

Ponder this........ Chertoff and More stuff

And to top it off, the boys at the Pentagon have Yemen on the brain now.....or should I say they have the island of Socotra, on their brains, saying the ball burner visited Yemen and met with the crazy terrorists who showed him how to get back at evil America.

Funny how they, along with our media, didn't pay any attention to his visit to Dubai, UAE where he attended a fictitious school . Nope, nothing to see here folks.......move along......move along
Just as we moved along back in 1999.............

February 1999: Bin Laden Missile Strike Called Off for Fear of Hitting Persian Gulf Royalty

Intelligence reports foresee the presence of bin Laden at a desert hunting camp in Afghanistan for about a week. Information on his presence appears reliable, so preparations are made to target his location with cruise missiles. However, intelligence also puts an official aircraft of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and members of the royal family from that country in the same location. Bin Laden is hunting with the Emirati royals, as he did with leaders from the UAE and Saudi Arabia on other occasions (see 1995-2001). Policy makers are concerned that a strike might kill a prince or other senior officials, so the strike never happens. A top UAE official at the time denies that high-level officials are there, but evidence subsequently confirms their presence. [9/11 Commission Report, 3/24/04 (B)]

Shoots......I thought Clinton the Clown called it off cuz he was a wuss and too busy with interns.

Tons of info linking UAE and Saudi Arabia to 9/11 in the commissions report.........but heck, why look into that loony stuff........besides.... they are our friends and it's way too many words with no pictures.......and American Idle is on.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Flashback Friday

This week I figured I would scan some old pics.

Dufresne Family Fun Day canoeing, and Joey cannot hold back how much fun he is having.
He was pooped from jumping up and down and doing backflips with excitement. I mean this kid had like........"I love you uncle Markie" all over his face.
Mallory and Beau, also finding it hard to contain their excitement, are thankful they made it through another adventure alive. Ummm not quite sure why Beau is holding a machete. Where the hell did I take them?

Next canoe trip.....
Joey with Ray and Mike........obviously Joey is not having fun.
I think Joey was like 12 at the time, so I'm sure that's Mike's beer he's holding.

Where is the canoe? Oh it's one of dem dear submersible type canoes.

Yup....submersible. These guys floated like this, with the canoe under them for the longest time......I mean like miles, and on a slow moving stream, that's forever.

The end to River Rat.

Pittsburgh snowmobile/drinking camper

Ahhh......who needs a kitchen.
Wheeeeeeeres Waldo?
This was one of the few times Ray wasn't in front of the mirror making sure he was still a pretty boy camp bitch. Mike knows what I'm talking about.

Made it back but not sure where my sled is. Did ya notice the yellow traction bars?
Susan said it looked like a Ronald McDonald truck....ha... what do women know about that kinda stuff.

OK......where are the trees? Amazing how fast trees grow.
Oh ya and kids too.

Oh I remember this, the store we stopped at to buy our water and soda pop, the bathroom was out of order.

I think this was Halloween.......or was I going to some kinda meeting

I think I'm going to Kathmandu..........Well I got cats and check out the doo

Oh...... the Grumpster. Miss the guy.
Oh, ya and Beau.....I saw him the other day.

And wicked short cutoffs ripped up the sides are coming back.
You know whats weird......this is exactly how I cook now......I hold a drink and observe. I still use the pinky under so the bottle don't slip out. Lost many a beers before I caught on and now I'm a master observer.

Kelly and Susan, with her Pogo boots.

Steven and Susan

You Thought You Had It Rough

Wow......I never thought about those poor dudes over there.

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — The Saudi religious police launched Thursday a nationwide crackdown on stores selling items that are red or in any other way allude to the banned celebrations of Valentine's Day, a Saudi official said.

Ooooo look hot


One of my many favorites.
While in my blind, this Hairy Woodpecker stopped on a log about 12' from me, I know it wasn't any closer b/c the lens I was using has a 10' minimum focus.

I took about a dozen if not more pics as he worked and worked at this log till he got what he was after.


You know what irritates me, well besides that rash on my butt, is when I hear people say we need to cut taxes. I've heard it through out the Bush years, and still hear it now from bozo's like Kudlow, Hannity, Kneale, Cramer..........they say stuff like, "It's our money.......let us spend it and grow the market", bla bla bla.
It's not our money.
We hire our government, local and federal, to preform a service for us. We hire our government to protect us, educate us, give us shelter, take care of us when we are sick, old, hungry, unemployed, pick up our trash, finance our homes, cars, make sure the food, drugs, water and air are safe for consumption..........on and on and on.
We expect them to do this for us and we pay for these services through taxation.

But yet we want them to lessen our tax burden and somehow expand the services they supply us with.
We are running trillion dollar deficits, spending twice the money we take in but yet we want money back.
If you hire a painter to paint your house, do you expect that painter to give you money back after he has completed the service you hired him for?
Why do we expect our gov to do the same?
If you can't afford to have your house painted then don't have it painted, or just paint the areas that need it the most.

We need to reevaluate the services we hire our government to preform for us, and eliminate or reduce the ones we can do without.
We must also question our government when they request more money for the service we hire them to do, just as we would question the painter, painting our house if he said he needed more money.
But we don't. Our gov says they need mo money and we give it........err....the future taxpayers give it.
We have military in over 150 nations, people unemployed for 2 years still collecting checks, millionaires collecting Social Security, prescription drugs handed out like candy, bailed out bankers with million dollar bonuses, housing lazy people who don't want to work, still financing homes for people we know can't afford it, ridiculous pensions and the largest employer is our government.......etc.

Yup......cut taxes. That'll fix it.

I feel better now.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ya Right

Give me a frickin break.
Do people really believe this crap?

Just eight weeks after giving birth to Hank IV, Kendra Wilkinson Baskett shows off her stunning bikini body and opens up to OK! exclusively about her life as a new mom, how she regained her curves and whether she’ll ever pose for Playboy again — all in the new OK!, on sale everywhere Thursday!

I also believe my hair is growing back(on my head)........banks are solvent.......politicians are honest...........home values are on the rise..............we "Live Better" by shopping at WalMart.........I'm good in bed...........the $57 million raised for Haiti, will actually make it to Haiti...........Toyota knows what the problem is...........women are buying this months PLAYGIRL for the articles...............people read this blog..........hunters hunt, for the sake of the animals...........O'Reilly doesn't spin...........Leno had no say on what NBC did............recent oil contracts in Iraq are good for the Iraqis............people win at many more....

Obama Lovers & Palin Lovers

OK......whether you are a republican or democrat you should watch this video.

FDIC Screws Taxpayers Once Again

These guys, Frank Garay and Brian Stevens over at Think Big Work Small are cool.
Check them out. A Slap In The Face

Also from TBWS

Sexiest Realtors, Lenders, Appraisers.... and includes a great clip about why we should listen to John Courson, the CEO of Mortgage Bankers Association, and not walk away from our mortgages..............because it is sending a wrong message to our children.......hmmmmm

This Ones Better

Wars: Part 2

Jan. 22, 2009

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Let me be clear: America is committed to Israel’s security. And we will always support Israel’s right to defend itself against legitimate threats.

For years, Hamas has launched thousands of rockets at innocent Israeli citizens. No democracy can tolerate such danger to its people, nor should the international community, and neither should the Palestinian people themselves, whose interests are only set back by acts of terror.

Unfortunately BananaHead forgot to mention that Israel has 500,000 citizens living in illegal settlements and Palestinians also have the right to defend themselves from legitimate threats.
A video on this matter with Amy Goodman talking with Noam Chomsky.....Here

There will always be those that defend Israel for their use of force against Gaza and the West Bank claiming it's in retaliation to the suicide bombers..........without realizing the suicide bombers are in retaliation of the land confiscation and military occupation by Israel.

I will close this segment of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with a video by Alison Weir from If Americans New
It is 28 min long and shows how one sided our media is towards this conflict.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Quick Quote

Three years before the terrible events of September 11, 2001, a former lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Air Force, Robert Bowman, who had flown 101 combat missions in Vietnam, and then had become a Catholic bishop, commented on the terrorist bombing of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. In an article in the National Catholic Reporter he wrote about the roots of terrorism:
We are not hated because we practice democracy, value freedom, or uphold human rights. We are hated because our government denies these things in Third World countries whose resources are coveted by our multinational corporations. That hatred we have sown has come back to haunt us in the form of terrorism ... Instead of sending our sons and daughters around the world to kill Arabs so we can have the oil under their sand, we should send them to rebuild their infrastructure, supply clean water, and feed starving children...
In short, we should do good instead of evil. Who would try to stop us? Who would hate us? Who would want to bomb us? That is he truth the American people need to hear.

From A People's History of the United States
Howard Zinn


Saudi Rednecks

Love It

Tin Foil Hat Tuesday

As I mentioned on Friday, I figured it may be interesting to have a conspiracy post every Tuesday.
This week, seeing that it's a "pick on Israel week" it seems appropriate I stick with the theme.
So put your Tin Foil Hat on, and let the fun begin.

The USS Liberty Incident

A good clip narrated by my favorite conspiracy guy out there......Alex Jones of The Prison Planet

Over the years I have come across more and more sites where war veterans have come out of the closet and spoken against the war party's way of doing business. I think it's mostly due to the fact that as they get older, closer to going where ever they believe they are going, and what was hidden inside for so many years comes out.
For instance the USS Liberty Veterans Association submitted a war crimes report in 2005 to the DoD.

Why is it we always seem to think that members of our government, are incapable of using their position or power, and use it against us pee ons. But as info becomes declassified, us pee ons get ta tink about it.........or we never see the info because it never makes it to a cartoon, shopping or reality game show type format. And that's where the crazy tin foil hatters come in to play, hopping to catch someones attention between shows.........well except during the Super Bowl when every one watches the commercials.

Tons of quotes......Who Says The USS Liberty Attack Was Deliberate?

Tons of info...... The USS Liberty Memorial

I hope this stuff makes everyone out there stop and think........and most of all......question our frickin government!!!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Study Links Soda to Pancreatic Pancer

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - People who drink two or more sweetened soft drinks a week have a much higher risk of pancreatic cancer, an unusual but deadly cancer, researchers reported on Monday.
Rest of the story.....

Wars: Part 1

As I mentioned on Friday, this week I will present a different side to Israel from what we see in our media. I will try not to make it too boring, and will leave it up to you if you want to research for more detail.
Quick history of Israel and the occupied territories.
In a nut shell, or some reasonable facsimile, the Jewish people were driven out of their homeland The Land of Israel, over time by the Persian, Greek, Roman and Ottoman empires, just to mention a few. They began their immigration back during the 12th century with the first modern immigration starting in 1881 known as the First Aliyah. The Jews and the Arabs fought constantly, until Rodney King stood on top of the highest mountain in Israel and said "Can't we all get along", and the fighting stopped and the Jews and Arabs lived happily ever after. Well no that's not what really happened but what did happen was Britain got sick of the fighting and told the newly formed United Nations to fix it. The UN split up Palestine into two states. The Jews liked it but the Arabs didn't. In 1948 a war broke out where Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Sudan attacked Israel. When it ended Israel became a member of the UN and a temporary border called the Green Line was created and Israel threw out the Arabs (roughly 800,000) from the new state of Israel and they settled in refugee camps in what is now know as the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Israel took control of the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and the Sinai Peninsula after the Six Day War.


There are many "They started it" arguments out there from both sides of the table. Jewish heritage goes back 3,000+ years, they say God gave them the land. Palestinians say the house and land they grew up with has been passed down from generation to generation.
So who's is it?
Should the Indians own our homes and land and we live on reservations with casino's?
The bottom line is they need to live together without the fear of suicide bombers or F-16's bombers.
Palestinians throw rocks and set off bombs strapped to their bodies while Israeli's use Hellfire missiles and tanks to defend themselves from one another.

Israeli Settlements
Perhaps the key issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the illegal construction of settlements in the West Bank. These settlements are built from the best land in the West Bank, hilltops, agriculture land...etc and then secured by building walls or security fences around them, like a gated community.
Many years ago, when I would read about check points, barriers or see pictures of the wall, I thought it was on the border between Israel and the West Bank, and felt it was to keep those crazy suicide bombers out, I was shocked when I saw a map of where the barriers and settlements were actually located. Back then I had to dig for maps, now Wiki has the info for all to see.

Click Here for a bigger pic
More detail map with projected barrier.

These Israeli settlements are connected by roads that are patrolled by the IDF and can only be used by the Israeli's.

A good clip about the barriers.

The Wall of Shame

To be continued........

Sunday, February 7, 2010

# 3

I can't believe Adam Sandler beat me. Come on. Not fair.
Tyler got the rehab sympathy votes........

Friday, February 5, 2010

Flashback Friday

Rachel Aliene Corrie (April 10, 1979 – March 16, 2003)

Back in March of 03, while many Americans were glued to the tv watching the "Shock and Awe" over and over of our fighter jets dropping bombs killing men, women and children of Iraq and chanting 9/11....9/11....9/11, I saw a story of a 23 year old American that was run over by an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) bulldozer in the Gaza Strip. Her story always stuck with me, probably because she was young, innocent and most likely thought she could change things. I couldn't imagine the feelings she must have had witnessing the slaughter of innocent men, women and children by a very powerful war machine.
While putting this post together it brought back many memories, and sadness, of the many articles I've read and documentaries I've watched over the years of what Israel has done, not only to the Palestinians, but also the surrounding nations.
When I started this blog my main intention was to inform, to the best of my ability, to those few readers that have no life, what our corporate owned media here in the states won't allow us to see.
Israel is one subject that we see only one side of.

CAUTION........this is gonna piss someone off I know it, and I don't mean for any disrespect to those that may have lost a family member or a friend, but when one of our soldiers dies over in Iraq or Afghanistan, I get angry, and not at those they are fighting, but at those that sent them.
I get angry when I hear "they lost their lives fighting for our freedoms".......bull fuckin shit!
They died because our war machine, our corporations wanted them to fight. They start wars, and feed us with propaganda.
Next week I will spend a lot of time posting about Israel with tons of information, and if you pay attention, by the end of the week you will have a better understanding of why we are at war..........or perhaps you will still be chanting 9/11.....9/11.....9/11 and if that's the case, then I didn't do a good enough job at presenting the other side of the story.

I will start a "Tin Foil Hat Tuesday" that could turn out to be rather interesting. You will either put this blog into your wacko folder (if you haven't already) or it will make you think and give you incentive to open your mind to a different perspective of what you have been told.

So here is a clip with Rachel

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Do not meet Dalai Lama, China tells Obama

China warned the US that any meeting between President Barack Obama and the Dalai Lama would further damage relations, in the latest sign of the deteriorating mood between Beijing and Washington.

Hu Jin Bow Wow told reporters "An Mr. Obama shood not eat the Szechuan Beef Tendon Noodle Soup at Joe's Shanhai Restaurant becuz it give stomach dats two things he can't Dalai Lama.....and no to Joe.....OK?"

We're All Gonna Die !!! Help !!!

U.S.suits mount over Toyota-acceleration deaths, injuries

Toyota Motor Corp, which recently recalled 2.3 million vehicles in the U.S. to fix sticking gas pedals, faces lawsuits involving at least three deaths that allegedly link so-called sudden acceleration to other causes.
Toyota's Jan. 26 decision to stop U.S. production and sales of eight models to fix defective accelerator pedals.........

Ahh yup.......lets put more folks out of work.

Annual Causes of Death in the US

Tobacco 435,000
Poor Diet and Physical Inactivity 365,000
Alcohol 85,000
Microbial Agents 75,000
Toxic Agents 55,000
Motor Vehicle Crashes 26,347
Adverse Reactions to Prescription Drugs 32,000
Suicide 30,622
Incidents Involving Firearms 29,000
Homicide 20,308
Sexual Behaviors 20,000
All Illicit Drug Use, Direct and Indirect 17,000
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Such As Aspirin 7,600
Marijuana 0

Feb. 7, 2008 -- The World Health Organization (WHO) today warned that 1 billion people worldwide could die of tobacco-related causes this century unless "urgent action" is taken.

So 3 alleged deaths and a massive scare.........1 billion deaths and they make tobacco makers put a little warning label on the package.

Wouldn't it be crazy if those that died while driving a Yota, were on their way to buy cigarettes, naked, had a 12 pack of beer next to their BigMac w/fries, being shot at while looking for the 9mm that fell next to the mold covered bottle of Oxycontin ..............hey

Zero deaths from marijuana...........Pot is safe. Smoke pot and use public transportation.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Park Your Yota

U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood advised owners not to drive any of the millions of Toyota vehicles involved in the recent recalls.

LaHood went on to say, "they got a mind of their own"......."their killer cars"....."Toy should not be part of the name, it's not a toy.......they should be called, Killyotas"

Meanwhile congress is looking into a "Cash for Yota's" program that will give Toyota owners cash towards a brand new Government Motors (GM) vehicle, and added "We will also throw in a free H1N1 shot to the first 20,000 customers".

Robert Sueme, president of ACA....... Ambulance Chasers of America, said we have hired more employees to keep up with the enormous volume of calls from concerned owners of Yota's asking if they can be part of a lawsuit, and what type of injuries should they have in order to get the big bucks.

On a sad note it is reported more and more spouses, employers, relatives and even politicians, are being asked to walk in front of Yota's in an attempt to blame the auto maker for the fatal injuries sustained when the vehicle experiences one of these apparent sudden accelerations.

In Florida, investigation has begun into accidents that occurred over the past 6 years which involved senior citizens where the vehicles plowed into stores, garages, onto busy sidewalks, golf courses and where the drivers claimed they hit the gas instead of the brake, to determine if it really was their fault or were they just driving Toyotas.

"Prius owners need not to worry" a spokesperson for Toyota said, "those vehicles cannot gather enough speed to sustain any damage or injuries........even when going downhill......with a strong wind behind them........If the vehicle does accelerate suddenly, then step out of the vehicle and applaud"

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Enemy Is At Home

Caught this on Mish's blog

"Poor and working people in this country, are sent to kill poor and working people in another country to make the rich richer"
"And without racism, soldiers would realize they have more in common with the Iraqi people, than they do with the billionaires, who send us to war"

Oh Rush

Funny how all the, fiscal responsible republicans, are coming out of the wood work now.

From Oxcycontin pill popper Rush Viagra Limbaugh,

RUSH: Your life has changed. Those things and prices are going up. If you have kids it's tougher for them to get a job. If your husband's out of work he's going to have a much tougher time finding a job. And the deficit is part and parcel. One of the best things you can explain to people about the deficit is for the government, a deficit is spending money you don't have. They have to borrow it from someplace, and they borrow money that takes it out of the private sector. There's less money in the private sector to invest in the expansion of business or the creation of new ones, to hire people, because the government's hoarding all the money, spending money that they don't yet have, spending money that they're printing. Countries like China and others are not totally financing it. They still have to borrow it from various places that you and I would borrow --

LOL.....fuckin idiot. Where was he when Dick the prick Cheney said "Reagan proved deficits don't matter"

What happened? Where was Gregg when the republican controlled gov took us on a $5 trillion dollar spending spree?
Republicans don't look here to find out what the Bush era added to our national debt.......just believe Rush.

Why.......why do we keep bashing heads. During republican control, they spend and dems complain about deficits...........when dems are in control republicans are the conservative ones and dems have the credit card.
Will it ever change? Nope.
Go back in history and prove me wrong. You can't.
If you listen to any republican pundit right now and believe them, then you must have been asleep for the past decade.
Same goes for dumbass dems............ a $1.7 trillion deficit???????? I mean, I know they wanted change
Yes I voted for Barack Insane..........I voted for him cuz for one I was weak and had a glimmer of hope that he would change the direction where this country was going. I really, really thought we would have change. Not change like, give more $$$ to poor scum bags who don't want to work, or hire more union controlled gov employees, but change that he may take on the Federal Reserve, Wall Street and all the banksters.
I was wrong. Instead he is a puppet just like dubya and the rest of the gang.
Would McCain have audited the Fed and put a stop to Wall Street gov control?
Ya right.
Republicans feed Wall Street with deregulation and dems feed them with free money.
Both refuse to audit the Federal Reserve. Idiots.

During the Retard Reagan, Old Fart Bush and Clinton Clown years the republicans, the dems, and the banksters created one of the biggest ponzi schemes going......the derivatives market.
Dubya and Insane have kept it going.
I read and listen to many different reasoning's on how we got to where we are now, and IMO why we are fucked is because the $1.5..........OK.....ready.......quadrillion.... a $1.5 quadrillion derivatives market has collapsed.
It's decades and decades of debt, piled on top of debt, piled on top of debt.
Everything from car loans to mortgages to corporate debt to student loans, credit cards.........any debt you can think of has been leveraged over and over. I sometimes think it's easier to gaze up at the stars and try to comprehend how massive the universe is instead of trying to understand how immense our debt is.
Well it toppled over.
When I first read about derivatives (an unregulated market) 3 or 4 years ago, I had a hard time believing that it was, at the time, believed to be a $500 to $600 trillion dollar market.
I was like how can that be.
The OCC, Office Comptroller of the Currency, follows the bank derivative holdings.
Page 22 shows how the top 25 commercial banks hold $204 trillion in derivatives.

Remember it's not regulated. Hedge funds, private equity, pension funds, insurance co. and many others use them.
AIG ring a bell?
Why did we give them $187 billion? To cover bets. $13 billion went right to Goldman Sachs for the bets they had with AIG........oh Hank........your such a darling, thanks. And don't forget we are backing all the other bets they made to boot.
There are soooooo many credit default swaps on Fannie and Freddie we had no choice but to back the nearly $7 trillion of shit they hold.......never mind China would have gotten pissed.
According to SIGTARP taxpayers are now back stopping $27 trillion of the banksters stupid bets......and it's not over.
The sad part......the same ones that did this to us are still running the show.

Bottom line: this mess will not be fixed by some idiotic tax cut or stimulus spending.

OK..... on my 6th Captain.......and it's only Tuesday......time to go.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Time For A Drink

Nuf said

Ink Shortage Reported

Obama sends $3.8 trillion budget to Congress
2010 deficit forecast as $1.6 trillion; declines in 2011 to $1.3 trillion
In other news,
Central banks around the world are experiencing an ink shortage:
Chinese bank official Hung Gou Pow said "Mr. BananaHead say he need mo funny money, so he use all ink, an now we must make Yuan from rice and noodles".
European Central Bank president Claus Von Schnitzelheimer confirmed reports that the euro will be made in France from precision German steel and painted Ferrari red.
And for we really care what they make their currency from?

And The Grammy Winner Is...........

Who gives a shit.

The rumor at the World Economic Forum at Davos is that Lloyd Blankfein will get $100 million this year. A frickin $100 million bonus !!!!!!! Hey......... he deserves it.
For those who don't know who Blankfein is, he's the one that took over for our buddy, former Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Paulson at Goldman Sachs. Back when Hank was in charge of the largest investment bank in the world, from 1998 to 2005, Hank pulled $37 million out of GS in his final year.
Yup $37 mil in 05 and accepted a job as the Treasury Secretary with a salary of $187k.
What a joke.
And what response did our trusted, no spin, corporate owned media give us........"we are so fortunate to have someone of his caliber running the Treasury"..........WTF?
We let a guy run our treasury that his former employer was the largest investment bank in the world? And there are no red flags?
Let's just knock a few zero's off his pay check shall we.
Do you know anyone out there that would leave a $37,000 a year job, ($17 per hour) for a job that paid $187 per year (.08 an hour)............I think not.
But we believed Hank did.

When one want's to know who runs this country, start with Goldman Sachs.

I see two circles of power, the war circle, (our defense contractors), and the financial circle, (more power than the war guys), which control our gov and us. Corporate Fascism.