The MSM is like killing this thing. The only news channel that wasn't following it today was FoxNews and when they did talk about it, they talked about the military side of it like how many troops we have on the ground or how many we are sending. Funny how most, if not all, the clips showed very clean.....more like spotless, Haitians standing in line waiting to receive a few containers of bottled water.........then again I can only handle 10 min intervals of FoxNews at a time, so perhaps they showed other clips of them helping the dirty ones.
Of course they did talk about how many $$$ we are spending and mentioned how we have given Haiti like $2 billion since 1992......yup $2 frickin we gave one of the poorest countries in the world (80% live below the poverty line) roughly $110,000.00 a year for the past 18 years. That's crazy.
Oh wait.........what's this?
Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II.
From 1976-2004, Israel was the largest annual recipient of U.S. foreign
assistance, having been supplanted by Iraq.
Since 1985, the United States has provided nearly $3 billion in grants
annually to Israel.
So let's recap........we give Israel, a country that is smaller than, wealthier than, and has less people than Haiti, $3 billion a year in aid compared to a total of $2 billion we have given Haiti over the last 18 years and some folks are complaining? Holy Christ on a cupcake.

Hey.....UAE has a around the same rate living below the poverty line as Israel..........should we give them $3 billion a year in aid?
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