So for this weeks topic, it will be on a personal note, and I will take us back to the early 70's when my oldest brother Norm took me down to a commune in Warwick, Massachusetts called "The Brotherhood Of The Spirit". I'm not sure of the exact year that I visited all I know is my mother was bullshit that her oldest son Norm, took her youngest son, me, down to a hippie place right after my brother Bob, turned into a hippie, quit high school to live on a hippie bus with hippie Norm. So this didn't fit well with Mom.....and can anyone blame her.
Being 11 or 12 years old I don't recall a whole heck of a lot about how long we stayed or how many times we went. Norm was a very adventurist type of person and he always found some off the wall, out of the norm you could say, trip for us to take. This was one.
They had a band called "Spirit In The Flesh" and played free concerts where ever they could and Norm and I tagged along from place to place for most of that summer. They did play at the JFK in ManchVegas and I got to be a stage hand......farout man.
So a few months ago, don't know why but Spirit In The Flesh popped in my head so I decided to google it.
Farfuckinout man. What memories that stirred up. The bus, the buildings......the, it really was cool cuz it was a part of my life that I kinda forgot about.

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More Info about The Brotherhood
Oh the memories.........
That is very cool Mark, I am glad that Norm broke the rules and took you!
Is it wine time?