Science fiction writer Ben Bova wrote:
The most prescient — and chilling — of all the science fiction stories ever written, though, is “The Marching Morons,” by Cyril M. Kornbluth, first published in 1951. It should be required reading in every school on Earth.

The point that Kornbluth makes is simple, and scary: dumbbells have more children than geniuses. In “The Marching Morons” he carries that idea to its extreme, but logical, conclusion.

Kornbluth tells of a future world that is overrun with dummies: men and women who don’t know anything beyond their own shallow personal interests. They don’t know how their society works, or who is running it. All they care about is their personal — and immediate — gratification.

A comedy with similar reference....Watch the me

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Why Can't We Mind Our Own Business

HONG KONG (MarketWatch) -- China adopted a tough stance against the U.S. over the weekend for selling arms to Taiwan, announcing it will suspend military exchanges with Washington, and warning of sanctions against U.S. companies involved, according to reports Monday.
I cannot get over how both, republicans and democrats, with their idiotic policies, will not stop till this country is brought to it's knees.
Not only are we picking on our #1 banker, but also the one we need for our "Save Money.....Live Better" lifestyle. If China won't supply us with an endless amount of cheap dollars and inexpensive Mao-Mart products to make us feel good, who will?
We must be careful, for we are no longer in the drivers seat. Our empire is collapsing while China's is just beginning. They are hungry for growth and are not afraid to work, we are fat and lazy and bitch if we don't get 5 weeks paid vacation a year, health club membership and a dental plan......oh and 10 sick days a month.
The opening ceremony to the 08 Olympics said it all.

Our show would be a performance by Beyonce and Lil Wayne.

I feel the dispute between the communist party of mainland China, and the nationalist party of the Republic of China (Taiwan) is none of our business and will only escalate any tensions between the two.
But what do I know........our elected officials must know what they are doing.


It's cold.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Flashback Friday

For this Flashback Friday I would like to take you back to a time not that long ago.
A period when a great ruler, a man of vision, intelligence, compassion, controlled what many considered the most powerful nation on planet Earth.
This man......was George W. Bush .......better known as Dubya.

Bud Light presents: Real Men of Genius

Real Men of Genius!

Today we salute you, Mr. "Premature Mission Accomplished" guy.

Mr. Premature Mission Accomplished Guy

All men wipe their ass after they take a shit, but you, you started shit and then said you were finished, while the shit was still piling up.

My fingers smell.......

So crack open a nice, cold Bud Light, dumb-ass, because despite a few thousand body bags already on your conscience, you had no problem saying "Bring Em On"

Mr. Premature Mission Accomplished guy

I love the Bud Light adds

"See, free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction." -George W. Bush, Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 3, 2003

"Wow! Brazil is big." --George W. Bush, after being shown a map of Brazil by Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Brasilia, Brazil, Nov. 6, 2005

"One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures." --George W. Bush, Jan. 3, 2000

It's amazing, but there are still many out there that believe Dubya ran this country.
And whats just as amazing is there are many who believe BananaHead Obama is running it now.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Apple announces a tablet called the iPad

The great minds over at Apple are already working on the next item that is sure to be a huge hit for many Americans........the iJob.
A device that will have apps designed for searching, applying, and locating jobs.
Don't like what the iJob found for you? Turn the device sideways or upside down and the iJob will give you the location of the nearest unemployment office, shelter or food bank.
Plus 10 hours of battery life so you can search all day or light your tent up for hours without recharging.

I'm sorry, but don't we already have enough gadgets? Now a tablet !!
Folks will need a gadget, just to keep track of their gadgets.

What Do Oregon And Hawaii Have In Common?

An 11% income tax.

If that's not bad enough already, the City of Portland is talking about massive tax increases. If you're a business in the city limits, the tax/business license fee has been 2.2%. They now want to increase it to 8%, a 400% increase. In that case, a business in the city limits of Portland will pay 11% income tax to the state and 8% income tax to the city: 19% city/state income tax, on top of the Federal 35% income tax.

Instead of cutting state employees, their wages and pensions, cutting services, they decide raise taxes instead.

Oregon's Death Spiral

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- The U.S. budget deficit will hit $1.3 trillion in 2010, congressional budget analysts estimated Tuesday, in a fresh piece of grim news for President Barack Obama.
The federal government recorded a staggering deficit of $1.4 trillion in fiscal 2009 -- more than three times as much as in 2008.

The deficit for fiscal year 2009 was $1,785,603,936,384.00 or nearly $1.8 trillion.
The WH and CBO use the "on-budget" "off- budget" accounting trick that has worked for them for many decades.
The Clintons never had a budget surplus they used surpluses such as the Social Security trust fund to make it look like they were not spending as much.
Bush did it and so is BananaHead.
They use the surplus from programs like SS ....... put it in the income column but don't count the little IOU's (called intra-governmental bonds) they put in it's place in the trust fund. Someday (in a couple of years) when there are more taking out of SS, then putting in, they will need to cash in those IOU's only to find out they ain't worth shit.
It's like taking a $100 from under your mattress and replacing it with a scrap piece of paper with $100 written on it..........where can you use that scrap piece of paper when you need it? Nowhere. You must replace it with a real $100 bill by either working (tax revenue), borrow it (deficit) or don't go out to eat (cut spending).
That's what our gov will have to do someday in order to pay Social Security recipients once more is going out than coming in.

Easy way to find out...... Debt to the Penny
Fiscal year is Oct 1st to Sept 30th

Monday, January 25, 2010

BananaHead: The Deficit Buster

Obama got real tough on reducing the deficit today by announcing that he intends to purpose a three year freeze on discretionary spending. Boy sure sounds good, don't it.
That should bring the deficit from $1.4 trillion to like.......uhm like.....oh $1.375 trillion. Yup the WH predicts the freeze will save $250 billion over 10 years. But is it a three year freeze or a ten year freeze? This kinda shit cracks me up. I don't know how they get away with it.

Wait it gets better.

To attack the $1.4 trillion deficit, the White House will propose a three-year freeze on discretionary spending unrelated to the military, veterans, homeland security and international affairs, according to senior administration officials. Also untouched are big entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare.

The article in WSJ went on to say.....
Among the areas that may be potentially subject to cuts: The departments of Housing and Urban Development, Justice, Energy, Transportation, Agriculture, and Health and Human Services.

And here comes the punchline.....

The freeze would affect $447 billion in spending, or 17% of the total federal budget, and would likely be overtaken by growth in the untouched areas of discretionary spending


The bottom line is this........if we think we will ever get the deficit under control, it won't come from freezing 17% of our spending but rather a 100%. Across the board cuts and freezes are needed.
If we want to attack another nation or send troops somewhere, raise taxes or cut spending first. If you want to bring someone over from another country and give them food and shelter, raise taxes or cut spending first.......etc....
We need to think before we spend.
How many would have voted for the Iraq or Afghan wars if we had to raise taxes or cut spending first? Would we really care to send someone to the moon if we had to pay for it?
Every service our government supplies us with, has a price tag.
Now we have to pay by raising taxes and cutting spending for all the years of government wasteful spending.

Unfortunately our $12.5 trillion in debt won't go away. It costs us $382 billion last year just in interest costs, that's more than what we spent on welfare and the pensions for civilian and military personnel combined.

Now........the scary shit.

Let's take a 3 month treasury bill.
December 2009 it had a yield of 0.05%
January 1982.......... 12.82%
And throughout the mid 80's and 90's it averaged around the 5% to 7% range.
Link to rates at the Federal Reserve .....very interesting.

So to make a long story short, when interest rates go up, and they will go up do to the fact that it will eventually get harder and harder for us to finance our spending habits, the interest costs on our debt will then outweigh not only what we spend on welfare and pensions but also defense and Social Security and will consume a major portion of all taxes collected.
We will no longer be able to service our debt.
The ponzi scheme has popped.

Arnold has to make cuts.............Schwarzenegger's proposals would cut the size of the union workforce, reduce pay, shrink future pensions and roll back job protections won through collective bargaining

Busy Weekend

Just got back from a busy weekend.
Bono called me and asked if I would join him for the Hope for Haiti thingy..........

Rihanna was putttin the moves on me. She wanted me big time.......
Jay-Z wanted me to like do a rap with him but I had way too many drinks on the plane.

Then off to help with the rescue effort

Not sure but I think I saw dubya do a fly by while down there.
Kinda reminds me of when he flew over the Katrina mess........boy was he pissed when they made him put his Gameboy down so they could get a pic of him with an expression of concern as he looked out the window.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


This coyote made a couple of visits Saturday.
Very skidish... every time I would try to get into position to get a good shot of him he would book.
Very big dog, never seen a coyote this big before, size of a German Shepherd. Beautiful. Made my day.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Flashback Friday

Seeing as this is my first Friday since the Marching Morons debut,(clapping, balloons, confetti, dancing girls who have wardrobe malfunctions) Friday's will include a post that will take us back in time. It may refer to a personal experience or just a song or video clip.
So for this weeks topic, it will be on a personal note, and I will take us back to the early 70's when my oldest brother Norm took me down to a commune in Warwick, Massachusetts called "The Brotherhood Of The Spirit". I'm not sure of the exact year that I visited all I know is my mother was bullshit that her oldest son Norm, took her youngest son, me, down to a hippie place right after my brother Bob, turned into a hippie, quit high school to live on a hippie bus with hippie Norm. So this didn't fit well with Mom.....and can anyone blame her.
Being 11 or 12 years old I don't recall a whole heck of a lot about how long we stayed or how many times we went. Norm was a very adventurist type of person and he always found some off the wall, out of the norm you could say, trip for us to take. This was one.
They had a band called "Spirit In The Flesh" and played free concerts where ever they could and Norm and I tagged along from place to place for most of that summer. They did play at the JFK in ManchVegas and I got to be a stage hand......farout man.
So a few months ago, don't know why but Spirit In The Flesh popped in my head so I decided to google it.
Farfuckinout man. What memories that stirred up. The bus, the buildings......the, it really was cool cuz it was a part of my life that I kinda forgot about.

More Pics

More Info about The Brotherhood

Oh the memories.........

Thursday, January 21, 2010


He's getting old.....poor guy.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Democrats To Seek Stunning $1.9 Trillion Increase In Debt Ceiling To $14.3 Trillion

WTF is going on?
When Reagan increased our debt from $1 trillion to $3 trillion, I was shocked.
And I couldn't believe we stood by and watched Dingbat Dubya as he increased it from $5.5 to $10.5....... but come on folks.....enough is enough. We are at $12.4 trillion now and they want to increase it by another $1.9 trillion? That will be 100% of our GDP. Shame on us.

Funny how back when dumbass Bush was pickin his ass the dems screamed that we were passing this debt on to our kids, future generations, and the response from republicans.......Dick the prick said "Reagan proved deficits don't matter" and Bush backed him with "deficits are good".
Times have changed.
Republicans are now the cry babies crying about the deficits, and our debt, and the dems are.....the dems are are the dems saying.....oh ya they are saying let's spend more.

Japan anyone? Mish has a good article on Japan. Check it out
Speaking of Japan, home values there have gone down for the last 20 years. Very interesting chart.
That's why I feel RE is toast here also, cuz we are going down the same road. With the costs associated with homeownership, property taxes, maintenance and what many seem to overlook......the cost to borrow, it won't be a good investment for many, many moons.

Japan and the US both have ZIRP (zero interest rate policy) and once that is implemented there is no escape.

Republicans Or Democrats

Giant Douche or Turd Sandwich

I will either have to shrink my videos or change the template....can't decide. I like this layout but I hate the videos hanging over. When I change it by editing the html code then it messes the post body. crap.

Brown Wins

The people have spoken.........They sent a message to the White House..........Let's take our country back.........hold on.....I just got a wicked deja vu......tap tap tap tap tap
Oh ya wasn't it back in 2006 when the dems took control from the repulicans and we said the same thing? 08 elections? Clinton over old fart Bush?
What happen?
What about the time before that, and before that. Anything? Did it matter. NO. because if republicans were better than democrats than republicans would never have lost control and vicea versa dems are no better than republicans.
It will happen again this November and in 2012.
It's like a broken record.
And it will be played over and over and over, till someday, someday the little light bulb will be turned on above our heads and we will realize who our elected politicians truly represent.
Clue: it's not us.

Healthcare reform will still be passed. It has to. The gov needs the revenue(taxes) and insurance companies need to improve their leveraged portfolios that are stuffed full of toxic overvalued securities. Mark to fantasy won't last forever and once they have to value those securities at market value.....bad news.
Smoke and mirrors.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Drunk on Credit

When credit is used, it creates debt.
This nation, and many parts of the world have abused the easy access of credit and we are now paying for it. With every new generation, came new debt. Our great grandparents carried less debt than our grandparents, and our parents had/has more debt than theirs. There was a time not that long ago that folks actually saved for stuff.........I shit you not, they did. If they needed new furniture, guess what....they would save for it, then when they saved enough money they would go and purchase it.
Pick up an old, like really old newspaper, or magazine and check out the advertisements and what do you see..........yah things were cheap back then, but what you may notice is there is no "0% financing....No Payments for 12 Months........We Finance Everybody".
Yup.... no credit. People saved then purchased. Today we can't live without credit and we have gone so far, taken on soooooooo much debt that we can no longer service it..... in other words we can't even make the interest payments on the debt we have accumulated, so we keep leveraging assets and future earnings just to sustain our standard of living.
This is across the board......consumers, governments, corporations......etc.

Well what's with the drunk thing?
We are told, and were told over and over that we must help the banks so that they can lend to us, give us more credit...........Oh yah just what we need more debt. That will fix it.
So let's get drunk. Yippeee.

So you pull up a stool in a local bar and your sober as sober can be. You have a drink. Are you drunk? Fuck hasn't even effected you in the least. You have another and another...etc...and if you stay there with your ass planted to that bar stool (occasional pee run may be needed) you will drink till you have no control of what your body does and you fall off your bar stool.
So the bar owner helps you back on your bar stool and suggest that you buy another drink stating that it will fix everything and you should be able to walk straight if you buy just one more.

Anyone that has been even close to that scenario knows damn well that when your that drunk, the last thing you need is a drink.
So why do banks want to give us more credit when we are already drunk on debt?

It's all our economy has. That's where the growth comes from, that's how we have been able to accumulated more stuff than our parents.......and they accumulated more than theirs...etc.
Just like the drunk in the bar......he wasn't drunk with his first drink, it was the accumulation of drinks that caused him to fall off his bar stool.
And's all over the place....that scenario pertains not only to consumers but also to corporations, governments, banks......all over leveraged.....tooooooo much debt that can no longer be serviced.

Have we reached the debt pyramid? If not, how will we deleverage our debt?
What asset can we leverage next?

I hope whoever reads this doesn't pull the oh he's doom and gloom crap.
The US and some other nations are entering a period that none have been through before.
There are some excellent links on the right gadget bar with tons of info......not to scare but to educate and prepare financially and mentally.
I will post from time to time on what I think is going on and where we are going.

These Guys Are Too Cute

I must have lived a sheltered life because I've never seen this breed of chicken before.

Silkie Bantam Of all the ornamental chicken breeds, the Silkie Bantam is one of the most popular and beloved, and certainly one of the most entertaining to watch. Can't you tell why? They're the lap kitty of the chicken world, complete with hair-like plumage and an incredibly sweet temperament. We have heard it said that Silkies are like a "flock" of kittens... but unlike your other pets, your chickens can actually provide your breakfast! Silkies originated in the Far East, where they are still kept (and eaten) today. They have black skin and bones and 5 toes instead of the normal 4. In addition, Silkie hens make wonderful brooders and mothers, and are even known to adopt baby ducks if given the chance!

More Pics

A Family of Silkie's

Info From Wiki

Nascar Fans....Start Your Ingins

Nascar is gearing up for a new season.
What's new for 2010?
Track is still oval.
Jimmie Johnson will win.

NASCAR Coach Reveals Winning Strategy: 'Drive Fast'

WRC Fuckin Rocks....... Sorry Nascar Fans
They got like wicked cool names like Sebastien Loeb, Mikko Hirvonen and most have those little dots and slashes over their names. And the cars have funny names like Citroën......shit even the car names have cool little dots over them.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Sorry.....but I'm really over this Haiti disaster. Ya ya ya I'm mean and heartless, so what.
The MSM is like killing this thing. The only news channel that wasn't following it today was FoxNews and when they did talk about it, they talked about the military side of it like how many troops we have on the ground or how many we are sending. Funny how most, if not all, the clips showed very clean.....more like spotless, Haitians standing in line waiting to receive a few containers of bottled water.........then again I can only handle 10 min intervals of FoxNews at a time, so perhaps they showed other clips of them helping the dirty ones.
Of course they did talk about how many $$$ we are spending and mentioned how we have given Haiti like $2 billion since 1992......yup $2 frickin we gave one of the poorest countries in the world
(80% live below the poverty line) roughly $110,000.00 a year for the past 18 years. That's crazy.
Oh wait.........what's this?

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II.
From 1976-2004, Israel was the largest annual recipient of U.S. foreign
assistance, having been supplanted by Iraq.
Since 1985, the United States has provided nearly $3 billion in grants
annually to Israel.

So let's recap........we give Israel, a country that is smaller than, wealthier than, and has less people than Haiti, $3 billion a year in aid compared to a total of $2 billion we have given Haiti over the last 18 years and some folks are complaining? Holy Christ on a cupcake.

Hey.....UAE has a around the same rate living below the poverty line as Israel..........should we give them $3 billion a year in aid?

Missing Tubes

Our sno tubes were stolen. I know who took them and he won't give them back, he also threatened me with a little 9mm.........ha........those Scotts....... I'll have to take out my big gun.....(no not that one) my 870, and once I figure out where the shells go.......look out.
That's it, Ray is not to be trusted. Joey's cool though. He always brings back what he borrows. He's like my favorite.

Oh.....the sad. I miss the tubes.