Science fiction writer Ben Bova wrote:
The most prescient — and chilling — of all the science fiction stories ever written, though, is “The Marching Morons,” by Cyril M. Kornbluth, first published in 1951. It should be required reading in every school on Earth.

The point that Kornbluth makes is simple, and scary: dumbbells have more children than geniuses. In “The Marching Morons” he carries that idea to its extreme, but logical, conclusion.

Kornbluth tells of a future world that is overrun with dummies: men and women who don’t know anything beyond their own shallow personal interests. They don’t know how their society works, or who is running it. All they care about is their personal — and immediate — gratification.

A comedy with similar reference....Watch the me

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Election Is Over

Awesome.......Let's hope the republicans and tea baggers cut some of dat "Wasteful Spendin".

Ya right....... can't touch the defense budget. 911........911.......911......suspicious package on plane.......
Besides, the money we spend on ours suckuritay ........ is well planned out.

Ships Suck!!!
Northrop warship gets failing combat grade

A US$1 billion-plus warship developed by Northrop Grumman Corp is ineffective and unsuitable for combat, according to the Pentagon, dealing a blow to the company as it looks to sell its shipbuilding unit.

Michael Gilmore, the Pentagon's top weapons tester, assessed the LPD-17 amphibious warfare ship as being "not effective, not suitable, and not survivable in a combat situation," a Defense Department spokeswoman said.
Defence Secretary Robert Gates has repeatedly questioned the future of such forcible U.S. landings, "especially as advances in anti-ship systems keep pushing the potential launch point further from shore," as he put it in May.

OK, so they won't work for us........

It gets better...

The first three ships of the class - San Antonio, New Orleans and Mesa Verde - have successfully completed overseas deployments, the Navy said.

The Navy's current five-year shipbuilding plan calls for buying an 11th and final LPD-17 in fiscal 2012, which starts Oct. 1, 2011, but Congress has not approved this.

The Navy estimates the price tag of the 11th ship at just over US$2 billion, according to an Oct. 4 report by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service.

Northrop Grumman, the Pentagon's No. 3 supplier by sales

Check it out dudes..... $24 billion in 2008 contracts......
  it may shed a little light on why we have a wars.

I have nothing to say. ..... we are so fucked.

Please check out Wiki on this ........ 

USS San Antonio LPD-17

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