Science fiction writer Ben Bova wrote:
The most prescient — and chilling — of all the science fiction stories ever written, though, is “The Marching Morons,” by Cyril M. Kornbluth, first published in 1951. It should be required reading in every school on Earth.

The point that Kornbluth makes is simple, and scary: dumbbells have more children than geniuses. In “The Marching Morons” he carries that idea to its extreme, but logical, conclusion.

Kornbluth tells of a future world that is overrun with dummies: men and women who don’t know anything beyond their own shallow personal interests. They don’t know how their society works, or who is running it. All they care about is their personal — and immediate — gratification.

A comedy with similar reference....Watch the me

Friday, April 16, 2010

Tea Party Teabaggers

What the hell is going on? When the Tea party first started making headlines, I was like, About Time.

Ya.....Let's Cut Spending!!!!!!!!

But then....... enter Sarah Palin and the republican party. They have taken the Tea Party movement, that was neither republican nor democrat,  and transformed it into a Let's bash the Dems movement.

I wonder if any of these tea baggers realize we have over 700 military bases spread out in nearly every nation on this planet. Are they collecting an unemployment check? Do they want to attack Iran? Expect their gov to keep them safe, healthy, educated.......etc.

It looks like this one even mentions Acorn. Are they for the Wall Street bailout? Must be cuz I don't see a Goldman Sachs fucked us sign.

Those running the show want this big time. They back the democratic party, they back the republican party...... the tea party and every other party. Why? It's a distraction. The last thing they want is a unified, a collective party that would expose those in charge. Like in the Wizard of Oz when Toto exposes the Wizard behind the curtain.
People have a hard time connecting spending with taxation. Until we cut spending, taxes must go up in order to pay for the shit that we are told we need.
That's not a republican, democrat nor a tea party issue....... that's an American issue. We must cut across the board....... do we really need 700 bases? Study frogs? Land on an asteroid? Make sure every one owns a home?

The tea party has made many question our gov motives,  but it's too bad it has become a republicans vs democrats thing.
Cutting taxes means cutting spending. It won't be easy because we currently spend twice as much as we take in.

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