Science fiction writer Ben Bova wrote:
The most prescient — and chilling — of all the science fiction stories ever written, though, is “The Marching Morons,” by Cyril M. Kornbluth, first published in 1951. It should be required reading in every school on Earth.

The point that Kornbluth makes is simple, and scary: dumbbells have more children than geniuses. In “The Marching Morons” he carries that idea to its extreme, but logical, conclusion.

Kornbluth tells of a future world that is overrun with dummies: men and women who don’t know anything beyond their own shallow personal interests. They don’t know how their society works, or who is running it. All they care about is their personal — and immediate — gratification.

A comedy with similar reference....Watch the me

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Oh Rush

Funny how all the, fiscal responsible republicans, are coming out of the wood work now.

From Oxcycontin pill popper Rush Viagra Limbaugh,

RUSH: Your life has changed. Those things and prices are going up. If you have kids it's tougher for them to get a job. If your husband's out of work he's going to have a much tougher time finding a job. And the deficit is part and parcel. One of the best things you can explain to people about the deficit is for the government, a deficit is spending money you don't have. They have to borrow it from someplace, and they borrow money that takes it out of the private sector. There's less money in the private sector to invest in the expansion of business or the creation of new ones, to hire people, because the government's hoarding all the money, spending money that they don't yet have, spending money that they're printing. Countries like China and others are not totally financing it. They still have to borrow it from various places that you and I would borrow --

LOL.....fuckin idiot. Where was he when Dick the prick Cheney said "Reagan proved deficits don't matter"

What happened? Where was Gregg when the republican controlled gov took us on a $5 trillion dollar spending spree?
Republicans don't look here to find out what the Bush era added to our national debt.......just believe Rush.

Why.......why do we keep bashing heads. During republican control, they spend and dems complain about deficits...........when dems are in control republicans are the conservative ones and dems have the credit card.
Will it ever change? Nope.
Go back in history and prove me wrong. You can't.
If you listen to any republican pundit right now and believe them, then you must have been asleep for the past decade.
Same goes for dumbass dems............ a $1.7 trillion deficit???????? I mean, I know they wanted change
Yes I voted for Barack Insane..........I voted for him cuz for one I was weak and had a glimmer of hope that he would change the direction where this country was going. I really, really thought we would have change. Not change like, give more $$$ to poor scum bags who don't want to work, or hire more union controlled gov employees, but change that he may take on the Federal Reserve, Wall Street and all the banksters.
I was wrong. Instead he is a puppet just like dubya and the rest of the gang.
Would McCain have audited the Fed and put a stop to Wall Street gov control?
Ya right.
Republicans feed Wall Street with deregulation and dems feed them with free money.
Both refuse to audit the Federal Reserve. Idiots.

During the Retard Reagan, Old Fart Bush and Clinton Clown years the republicans, the dems, and the banksters created one of the biggest ponzi schemes going......the derivatives market.
Dubya and Insane have kept it going.
I read and listen to many different reasoning's on how we got to where we are now, and IMO why we are fucked is because the $1.5..........OK.....ready.......quadrillion.... a $1.5 quadrillion derivatives market has collapsed.
It's decades and decades of debt, piled on top of debt, piled on top of debt.
Everything from car loans to mortgages to corporate debt to student loans, credit cards.........any debt you can think of has been leveraged over and over. I sometimes think it's easier to gaze up at the stars and try to comprehend how massive the universe is instead of trying to understand how immense our debt is.
Well it toppled over.
When I first read about derivatives (an unregulated market) 3 or 4 years ago, I had a hard time believing that it was, at the time, believed to be a $500 to $600 trillion dollar market.
I was like how can that be.
The OCC, Office Comptroller of the Currency, follows the bank derivative holdings.
Page 22 shows how the top 25 commercial banks hold $204 trillion in derivatives.

Remember it's not regulated. Hedge funds, private equity, pension funds, insurance co. and many others use them.
AIG ring a bell?
Why did we give them $187 billion? To cover bets. $13 billion went right to Goldman Sachs for the bets they had with AIG........oh Hank........your such a darling, thanks. And don't forget we are backing all the other bets they made to boot.
There are soooooo many credit default swaps on Fannie and Freddie we had no choice but to back the nearly $7 trillion of shit they hold.......never mind China would have gotten pissed.
According to SIGTARP taxpayers are now back stopping $27 trillion of the banksters stupid bets......and it's not over.
The sad part......the same ones that did this to us are still running the show.

Bottom line: this mess will not be fixed by some idiotic tax cut or stimulus spending.

OK..... on my 6th Captain.......and it's only Tuesday......time to go.

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