Science fiction writer Ben Bova wrote:
The most prescient — and chilling — of all the science fiction stories ever written, though, is “The Marching Morons,” by Cyril M. Kornbluth, first published in 1951. It should be required reading in every school on Earth.

The point that Kornbluth makes is simple, and scary: dumbbells have more children than geniuses. In “The Marching Morons” he carries that idea to its extreme, but logical, conclusion.

Kornbluth tells of a future world that is overrun with dummies: men and women who don’t know anything beyond their own shallow personal interests. They don’t know how their society works, or who is running it. All they care about is their personal — and immediate — gratification.

A comedy with similar reference....Watch the me

Monday, June 28, 2010

Tool Caddy

Morgan (aka Jake) is really turning out to be an asset to have by my side at work.
I told him to hand me my Snap-On stubby phillips drive screwdriver and bingo, he knew exactly which one to grab. Smart dog.

I do have to work on the amount of time it takes him to release the tools and will have to get over the gouges he makes while holding on to them.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Nothin Like Takin A Dump In Peace

I finalized the installation of my Dakota Alert system. Too cool.

I mounted it on the building so whenever a vehicle enters the parking lot it transmits "Alert, Zone One" to my walkie talkie type reciever.
It never failed. I would be in the middle of a good shit and BAM...... the office door would open. How rude.
I would have to pretend to wash my hands and that's a waste of paper towels.

Now I can take a shit and if alerted I have time to spray and sneak out of the shiter.
What I save on paper towels will pay for the unit in no time at all.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Here We Go Again

About 3 or 4 years ago I came across Hypertiger Wisdoms and my first thoughts of her writings was "Wow....... that will never happen". As time went on it became clearer to me that things are not what they appear to be. We live in a very sheltered society and are exposed to only what our corporate owned media wants us to see and believe.
How times change.

This article should be read over and over until it is understood. Google what you disagree with or what you are not familiar with.

Oh look…The Euro is losing value against the US Dollar. Why? According to the so called experts the rest of the world is rushing to the US Dollar as a safe haven.
Here we go again…
Demand for money in the global system by the subjects of the system is for the most part a constant.
In 1944, at the tail end of the 1933-1945 bankruptcy reorganization of the global economic trade system, the Bretton Woods conference was convened and the US Dollar was made the global trade medium of exchange.
Making the US Consumer and ultimately the United States of America the demand of the world…taking over from the United Kingdom and the British pound Stirling. The rest of the world of course is the supply to the demand.
In order to purchase anything outside of your economic zone…you need US Dollars…So let’s say you are post 1933-1945 Bankruptcy reorganization rest of the world and your economic zone is mostly composed of rubble piles and you require massive resources from external sources to rebuild.
You need massive amounts of US Dollars and the source of US Dollars is?
US consumers…
Ok how do they create them?
In a credit system, money is debt that is created by consumers requesting commercial banks to inflate the supply of credit.
The largest single source of or the engine of creation in the modern system is the real estate market.
A consumer needs or wants to purchase a house let’s say but doesn’t have the required amount of money…fortunately they can choose to request a commercial bank for a loan…but commercial banks don’t have the money either. They do have an accounting trick that basically pulls the future income of the consumer into the present…well not really…the commercial banks create money out of thin air and attach interest to it and get the consumer pay it all back plus interest.
Of course as the principal is paid back it vanishes back to where it came from but the interest does not and in the case of a long term mortgage the inflation of the money supply persists for the most part perpetually.
Consumers request commercial banks to inflate the money supply which is debt with more debt…The entire supply of the money of the world is debt with interest attached and the only way to service the continued existence of the money supply is by increasing the supply of debt with interest attached by an amount at least equal to the attached interest.
The entire money supply is being rented…the average interest rate is the cost to service its continued existence and since interest is a growth rate the supply must also grow by that amount and since the entire money supply is debt with interest attached…the rent that is due is hidden in the cost of everything.
Who or what is the rent owed to?
The top…you are the bottom.
Anyways the rest of the world basically needed to rebuild after the 1933-1945 bankruptcy reorganization of the global economic trade system…they needed US Dollars to buy what they did not have from the global market so they needed to supply what they did have to US consumers at basically fire sale prices.
Massive quantities of raw materials began flooding into the USA which produced a temporary prosperity. But since the rest of the world not in communist stasis was rapidly rebuilt…it began to consume more and more of the raw materials in the global market place leading to massive inflation in the cost of raw materials which could not be controlled. Bretton woods started out as a fixed system…the constantly expanding compounding interest credit system demanded that the rules needed to be changed…in 1944 the US Dollar was made the global trade medium of exchange and all the rest of the currencies of the world were fixed or had a static exchange rate that never changed and the US Dollar was fixed to Gold at an exchange rate of 35 US Dollars was equal to 1 troy ounce of Gold.
To make a long story short it became impossible to sustain the fixed exchange rate aspect of the Bretton woods system in 1971 and the rules were changed…the US Dollar floated against the supply and demand for Gold and everything else by the US Dollar and all the rest of the worlds currencies derive their value from their supply and demand for US Dollars.
Like the Euro…
Its strength or weakness is derived from the supply of and demand for US Dollars in the global marketplace.
The European Union imports 8.6 million barrels of oil a day…At say 70 US Dollars a barrel or 8,600,000 X 70 = 602,000,000 or a demand of 602 Million US Dollars a day by the European Union. The EU has to take 481,600,000 Euro’s and buy 602,000,000 US Dollars from the Global market to then buy 8.6 million barrels of oil every day. That works out to a demand of 219,730,000,000 or 219.7 Billion US Dollars a year.
That is just one of billions of transactions on a daily basis.
Because the US Dollar is the global trade medium of exchange there is for the most part a constant and almost desperate demand for them…
But something that has not happened in over 70 years has happened again…The production of US Dollars by US consumers has stopped… Demand for them has not stopped…demand for US Dollars is strong.
The production of Euro’s by European consumers demanding commercial banks to inflate the supply has not stopped…it’s of course slowed over the past few years.
The plight of the USA and world is like an all you can eat buffet where in order to pay the rent you constantly must lower the cost to dine and make up the difference on greater and greater volume…Works great until the consumers become fat pigs with their buttons popping off their shirts and are unable to gorge themselves anymore.
They just stop consuming more and more and more and basically are forced to consume less and less.
That’s the current situation…the USA is not a so called safe haven…the supply of US Dollars on the global market has stopped growing for 9 months but the demand by the rest of the world for them and the growth rate of the rest of the currencies has not.
After 65 years the current global trade system or scheme has basically reached maximum potential like the one before it that collapsed 1929-1933 leading to the 1933-1945 bankruptcy reorganization of the global system.
The current hijinx are just more symptoms of the doomed from square one global trade system that is imploding implemented by the top after the 1933-1945 bankruptcy reorganization of previous implementation.

"It is better to be a dog in a peaceful time than be a man in chaos."

In the Summer of 2010
Are you ready for interesting times and an exodus from the United States? A possibly apocryphal ancient Chinese curse goes "May you live in interesting times." Those words may derive from an authentic Chinese proverb: "It is better to be a dog in a peaceful time than be a man in chaos."
A great rant from Ron Holland over on ZeroHedge

The New American Exodus Begins With Entrepreneur Steve Wynn

On May 28, Steve Wynn, the entrepreneur who led the rebirth and explosive expansion of the Las Vegas Strip in the early 1990's, made it clear that he's had enough of the United States government.

Watch the Steve Wynn interview on CNBC

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bark Mulch Available

Place your order today.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Good News: 431,000 Jobs Created

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Even excluding temporary hiring for the Census, the United States is adding jobs, President Barack Obama said Friday. Obama said the May jobs report is evidence that the U.S. economy is "getting stronger by the day." Excluding 411,000 temporary Census workers, payrolls rose by 20,000 in May, weaker than expected by analysts surveyed by MarketWatch.
President BananaHead went on to say, "Why can't we make these temporary census jobs ...... permanent".
"Look ....... we have and oil spill ........ give each of these workers, a row boat and 6 rolls of Bounty paper towels and send them out in the gulf ....... it will do two things ........ create jobs ....... good jobs ....... and cleans up the mess BP made".
"That will keep these workers busy for years".
"And when they are done with that they can paddle their ass over to Israel and create a row boat blockade to keep those crazy terrorist loving activist from hurting our pals over in the Middle East ............ win win situation ......... creates jobs and gets the Jooooo haters".
"Look, I know many of you are saying, why should we help a nation that attacked an unarmed ship in international waters and shot an American 4 times in the head ..... and to those folks I say, Paul McCartney sang for us the other nite, and that is more important than what you may read or see in the media that we don't control".

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

That's Life

A friend once asked me what do you get your 18 year old for graduation. I told him a new address.

Pending home sales rise ahead of subsidy's end

The federal government has been subsidizing home sales with tax credits of up to $8,000 for qualified buyers who signed a sales contract by the end of April. Transactions must close by June 30 to qualify.
Can I get a tax break on my property taxes?
Why doesn't the federal government subsidize my property taxes with tax credits?

The tax credit brought more than 1 million buyers into the market, according to Lawrence Yun, chief economist for the NAR.
Well, duh, look what happened to car sales once the federal reserve and treasury dept started backing auto related CDO's that China and the rest of the world decided they didn't want to buy anymore.
"The housing market has to get back on its own feet and now appears to be in a good position to return to sustainable levels even without government stimulus, provided the economy continues to add jobs," Yun said.
 LOL......  taxpayers back over 90% of all mortgages, taxpayers have to subsidize the sales of homes, and Yun thinks the housing market may return to sustainable levels without it ........... Oh ...." provided the economy continues to add jobs" ......... nevermind.
I would love to hear a Republican/Tea Party nut job, that are proclaiming "Let's Take America Back" tell us that they will put an end to the steady flow of taxpayers money into FHFA, Fannie and Freddie, and the newest taxpayer backed mortgage holder, USDA.
They know they can't. Once funding ends to these programs then it will be the end of the housing market as we know it.
Taxpayers are stuck subsidizing the housing market till the end.

Someday people will see through the smoke and mirror show, but till then .......... Yipeeeee

West moving toward deeper financial abyss

The production of debt cannot forever replace the production of goods and savings, and no country can borrow its way to prosperity
 Well that's a stinker..........

The Western economies, having spent well beyond their means for years, should spend less for some time to pay off the debts, and should take this opportunity to change their lifestyle and consumption habits drastically. Their governments should punish the financial fat cats and protect the small guys from desperation. It now seems that more Americans and Europeans will learn from the examples of financial fat cats and the demonstrating Greeks.
If the financial fat cats are in charge of our government, who is gonna punish them?

Public Debt

Eric Janszen  put it this way........
Public debt is nothing more than today’s taxes collected tomorrow, plus interest.
So the next time you hear our fuckin politicians talk how they want to spend money for wars, tax breaks for home buyers, foodstamps, healthcare, buying car companies, etc.... try to think what it will be like when we have to start paying for the $13,000,000,000,000.00 we already owe.
Or can we just walk away or file bankruptcy?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

U.S. blocks Security Council criticism of Israeli raid

Israel faced heavy criticism in an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council on Monday in response to its deadly attack on an aid flotilla trying to breach the Gaza blockade, but attempts to issue a formal statement stalled after the United States rejected the strong condemnation sought by Turkey.
So I wonder what would have happened if lets say Iran attacked  a ship in INTERNATIONAL WATERS.
Do you think we would condemn them for it? Hmmm.....

Wendy Pemberton stopped paying her mortgage two years ago

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — For Alex Pemberton and Susan Reboyras, foreclosure is becoming a way of life — something they did not want but are in no hurry to get out of.
I knew we were in a recovery........

Foreclosure has allowed them to stabilize the family business. Go to Outback occasionally for a steak. Take their gas-guzzling airboat out for the weekend. Visit the Hard Rock Casino.
“Instead of the house dragging us down, it’s become a life raft,” said Mr. Pemberton, who stopped paying the mortgage on their house here last summer. “It’s really been a blessing.”
Ya........ and don't forget to go on a cruise.

The average borrower in foreclosure has been delinquent for 438 days before actually being evicted, up from 251 days in January 2008, according to LPS Applied Analytics.
 It should get interesting seeing as de guberment now backs over 90% of our mortgages.
What strikes me as odd is how so many don't consider this, nor collecting unemployment for over a year a form of welfare.
Who is gonna pay for it?